Khalsa Science Academy, Leeds

Khalsa Education Trust
GIFA - 2072m2
February 2017
JMA Architects


The project is a new build two form entry Free School for 420 primary school children.

The building includes the part demolition and refurbishment of an existing redundant school building together with a two-storey extension and associated external works.

Key Challenges

The school was operating out of interim / temporary premise that were only available until September 2016. This required a temporary school to be provided between September 2016 and January 2017.

To achieve the requirements of the programme it was necessary to engage with early pre application discussions with the Planning Authority and through recognition of the authorities’ requirements a decision was able to be determined under delegated powers.

It was recognised that to achieve the programme it would be necessary to make an early commitment to demolition and procurement of steelwork. By collaboration of the parties this was achieved.

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